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    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

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    • 建议权重:0.4~0.5可能肢体肢体,但更灵活,换衣服完全,换姿势。0.5~0.6基本姿势固定,想要符合的肢体就调大权重,背景会更加丰富。

    • 建议正向提示词:落下,(自下:1.2),落下_模糊,景深,浮动,聚焦,其他想写什么就写什么。可以多尝试。

    falling_above and falling_side:



    • 注意用图生图放大改善面部,推荐用multidiffusion放大和controlnet tile模型,加大重绘幅度,选择“controlnet更重要”模式。

    • 注意from_side型号面部无法识别的时候可以下载图片旋转180°再图生图。


    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,solo focus, 

    1girl,floating,on back,  (falling:1.3),falling_blur,<lora:falling_blur-10:0.42> ,(solo:1.3),(from below:1.2),midair,(depth of field:1.3),

    <lora:lowRA:0.5> ,dark theme,evil,crush,dynamic,crazy,motion,(surreal:1.3)(,floating objects:1.3),books,surrending,susbending

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,ground,(on ground:1.3),(2girls:1.3),

    Steps: 24, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3885471310, Size: 1024×1536, Model hash: cbfba64e66, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, Denoising strength: 0.63, Clip skip: 2, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 2, Tiled Diffusion: “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Tile tile width': 96, 'Tile tile height': 96, 'Tile Overlap': 48, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', 'Upscale factor': 2, 'Keep input size': True}”, ControlNet 0: “preprocessor: tile_resample, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], weight: 0.85, starting/ending: (0, 1), resize mode: Crop and Resize, pixel perfect: True, control mode: ControlNet is more important, preprocessor params: (512, 1, 64)”

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,solo focus, 

    1girl,mechanical wings, (falling:1.3),falling_blur,<lora:falling_blur-10:0.5> ,(solo:1.3),(from below:1.2),(sky:1.3),cloud,midair,(depth of field:1.3),science fiction, cyberpunk, neon lights, night sky, planet in sky,negative space,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,ground,(on ground:1.3),(2girls:1.3),

    Size: 1024×1536, Seed: 869425923, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], Steps: 24, weight: 0.85, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', Model hash: cbfba64e66, resize mode: Crop and Resize, control mode: ControlNet is more important, “preprocessor: tile_resample, pixel perfect: True, 'Tile Overlap': 48, starting/ending: (0, 1), 'Upscale factor': 2, 'Keep input size': True}”, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Tile tile width': 96, 'Tile tile height': 96, Denoising strength: 0.54, preprocessor params: (512, 1, 64)”, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 2

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,solo focus, 

    1girl,mechanical wings,floating,on back,  (falling:1.3),falling_blur,<lora:falling_blur-10:0.6> ,(solo:1.3),(from below:1.2),midair,(depth of field:1.3),

    (hell:1.2),cell,(cave:1.3),lava lake,floating object, devil,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,ground,(on ground:1.3),(2girls:1.3),

    Size: 1024×1536, Seed: 1493142669, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], Steps: 24, weight: 0.85, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', Model hash: cbfba64e66, resize mode: Crop and Resize, control mode: ControlNet is more important, “preprocessor: tile_resample, pixel perfect: True, 'Tile Overlap': 48, starting/ending: (0, 1), 'Upscale factor': 2, 'Keep input size': True}”, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Tile tile width': 96, 'Tile tile height': 96, Denoising strength: 0.63, preprocessor params: (512, 1, 64)”, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 2

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,solo focus, 

    1girl,(falling:1.3),falling_blur,<lora:falling_blur-10:0.45> ,(solo:1.3),(from below:1.2),(sky:1.3),cloud,midair,(depth of field:1.3),science fiction, cyberpunk, neon lights, night sky, planet in sky,negative space,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,ground,(on ground:1.3),(2girls:1.3),

    Size: 1024×1536, Seed: 2542524096, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], Steps: 24, weight: 0.85, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', Model hash: cbfba64e66, resize mode: Crop and Resize, control mode: ControlNet is more important, “preprocessor: tile_resample, pixel perfect: True, 'Tile Overlap': 48, starting/ending: (0, 1), 'Upscale factor': 2, 'Keep input size': True}”, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Tile tile width': 96, 'Tile tile height': 96, Denoising strength: 0.54, preprocessor params: (512, 1, 64)”, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 2

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,solo focus, 

    1girl,(falling:1.3),falling_blur,<lora:falling_blur-10:0.3> ,(solo:1.3),(from below:1.2),(sky:1.3),cloud,midair,(depth of field:1.3),science fiction, cyberpunk, neon lights, night sky, planet in sky,negative space,mechanical wings,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,ground,(on ground:1.3),(2girls:1.3),

    Size: 512×768, Seed: 2468497123, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, Steps: 24, Script: X/Y/Z plot, X Type: Prompt S/R, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, Model hash: cbfba64e66, falling_blur-10: 0.7>”

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,

    ,falling_above, (1girl:1.3), solo,<lora:falling_above-10:0.5>   ,(falling:1.3),(midair:1.2),floating,(from above:1.2), tree,forest,lake,autumn,floating clothes,

    Steps: 38, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2764840952, Size: 1152×1728, Model hash: e4a30e4607, Model: favorite_majicmixRealistic_v6, Denoising strength: 0.54, Clip skip: 2, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 1.5, Tiled Diffusion: “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Tile tile width': 96, 'Tile tile height': 96, 'Tile Overlap': 48, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+', 'Upscale factor': 1.5, 'Keep input size': True}”, ControlNet 0: “preprocessor: none, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], weight: 1, starting/ending: (0, 1), resize mode: Crop and Resize, pixel perfect: True, control mode: ControlNet is more important, preprocessor params: (512, 64, 64)”

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,

    ,falling_above, 1girl, solo,   ,falling,midair,floating,roof,from above, floating clothes,mountain,rock,cliff,water,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,

    Size: 1188×1776, Seed: 1015752835, Model: favorite_majicmixRealistic_v6, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], Steps: 20, weight: 1, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+', Model hash: e4a30e4607, resize mode: Crop and Resize, control mode: ControlNet is more important, “preprocessor: none, pixel perfect: True, 'Tile Overlap': 48, starting/ending: (0, 1), 'Upscale factor': 1.5, 'Keep input size': True}”, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Tile tile width': 96, 'Tile tile height': 96, Denoising strength: 0.3, preprocessor params: (512, 64, 64)”, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 1.5

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,

    ,falling_side, 1girl,face,eyes, solo, <lora:falling_side-10:0.5> city,river,road,rooftop,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,

    Size: 1024×1536, Seed: 3704866839, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], Steps: 35, weight: 1, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', Model hash: cbfba64e66, resize mode: Crop and Resize, control mode: ControlNet is more important, “preprocessor: none, pixel perfect: True, 'Tile Overlap': 48, ADetailer model: mediapipe_face_full, starting/ending: (0, 1), 'Upscale factor': 1, 'Keep input size': True}”, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Tile tile width': 96, ADetailer version: 23.6.2, 'Tile tile height': 96, Denoising strength: 0.53, ADetailer mask blur: 4, preprocessor params: (512, 64, 64)”, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 4, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.41, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 1, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True

    三个视角的坠落| 坠落,清晰视角 7dragons

    (masterpiece:1.3),(best quality:1.2),8k,absurdres,unity 8k wallpapper,(extremely detailed:1.3),highestres,

    ,falling_side, 1girl,face,eyes, solo, <lora:falling_side-10:0.5> city,river,road,rooftop,

    Negative prompt: easynegative,bad-hands-5, lr,(monochrome:1.2),facial mark, facial tattoo,border,frame,(pantyhose),(low quality:1.3),bad artist's work,

    Size: 1024×1536, Seed: 2575273833, Model: CounterfeitV30_v30, model: control_v11f1e_sd15_tile [a371b31b], Steps: 20, weight: 1, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Clip skip: 2, “{'Method': 'MultiDiffusion', 'Upscaler': 'R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B', Model hash: cbfba64e66, resize mode: Crop and Resize, control mode: ControlNet is more important, “preprocessor: none, pixel perfect: True, 'Tile Overlap': 48, ADetailer model: mediapipe_face_full, starting/ending: (0, 1), 'Upscale factor': 1, 'Keep input size': True}”, 'Tile batch size': 8, 'Tile tile width': 96, ADetailer version: 23.6.2, 'Tile tile height': 96, Denoising strength: 0.45, ADetailer mask blur: 4, preprocessor params: (512, 64, 64)”, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate/erode: 4, Tiled Diffusion upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.41, Tiled Diffusion scale factor: 1, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True

  • LORA

  • 七龙

  • 2023 年 6 月 22 日

  • 坠落侧/坠落上面/落下模糊

  • falling_side

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