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    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

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    使用XpucT 的 Reliberate生成权重为 0.8-1.0 的示例

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital artwork by marionevado_v1, disney (sleeping beauty:1.1), laying down, beautiful, (white fire:1.2) tornado all around her, one disney castle in background, ghostly, long flowing blonde hair, detailed, normal hands, (full body:1.2), dark, epic fantasy, ethereal, detailed sky, messy paint <lora:marionevado_v1-000016:1.1>

    Negative prompt: (nude:1.0), (multiple people:1.2), frame, extra limbs, mutated legs, floating hands, floating limbs, extra hands, multiple hands, floating hands, deformed legs, bad anatomy, deformed animals, deformed, fat, plump, signature, letters, words, text, disfigured, blurry, grainy, broken, cross-eyed, mutated, alien, unthinking, unfeeling, cramped, flexing, soft lens, hard light, wobbly iris, square iris, flat iris, edge of iris following, Wax sculpture, caricature, reptile, cataracts, dumb eyes

    Steps: 40, Seed: 700990624, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 7

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital art by marionevado_v1, woman made of branches, growing out of the forest, long red hair with bangs, (full body:1.1), bone thin, mist exploding from a forest, tornado of sparks, trending on instagram <lora:marionevado_v1:1>

    Negative prompt: (nude:1.3), (naked:1.3), (multiple people:1.2), frame, extra limbs, mutated legs, floating hands, floating limbs, extra hands, multiple hands, floating hands, deformed legs, bad anatomy, deformed animals, deformed, fat, plump, signature, letters, words, text, disfigured, blurry, grainy, broken, cross-eyed, mutated, alien, unthinking, unfeeling, cramped, flexing, soft lens, hard light, wobbly iris, square iris, flat iris, edge of iris following, Wax sculpture, caricature, reptile, cataracts, dumb eyes

    Steps: 40, Seed: 937881378, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 8

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital art by marionevado_v1, man made of branches, growing out of the forest, perfect head of hair, (full body:1.1), mist exploding from a forest, tornado of sparks, trending on instagram <lora:marionevado_v1:1>

    Negative prompt: (nude:1.3), (naked:1.3), (multiple people:1.2), frame, extra limbs, mutated legs, floating hands, floating limbs, extra hands, multiple hands, floating hands, deformed legs, bad anatomy, deformed animals, deformed, fat, plump, signature, letters, words, text, disfigured, blurry, grainy, broken, cross-eyed, mutated, alien, unthinking, unfeeling, cramped, flexing, soft lens, hard light, wobbly iris, square iris, flat iris, edge of iris following, Wax sculpture, caricature, reptile, cataracts, dumb eyes

    Steps: 40, Seed: 2667294678, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 8

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital art by marionevado_v1, muscular man made of branches, growing out of the forest, perfect head of hair, (full body:1.1), mist exploding from a forest, tornado of sparks, trending on instagram <lora:marionevado_v1:1>

    Negative prompt: (nude:1.1), (naked:1.1), (multiple people:1.2), frame, extra limbs, mutated legs, floating hands, floating limbs, extra hands, multiple hands, floating hands, deformed legs, bad anatomy, deformed animals, deformed, fat, plump, signature, letters, words, text, disfigured, blurry, grainy, broken, cross-eyed, mutated, alien, unthinking, unfeeling, cramped, flexing, soft lens, hard light, wobbly iris, square iris, flat iris, edge of iris following, Wax sculpture, caricature, reptile, cataracts, dumb eyes

    Steps: 40, Seed: 1971414459, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 5

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    vector art, five color palette, female, background nebulous, dystopian city, futuristic, portrait, long red hair, human thoughts art, elegant fantasy, intricate, crisp quality, hdr, ultra-detailed, Wet inks line art, dreamy female portrait on black canvas, perfect fractal illustration (style of Vassily Kandinsky), closed eyes, colorful, masterpiece, expert, insanely detailed, 4k resolution,high quality, best quality, vivid, detailed background, digital art, ethereal, floating into the abyssal heights, dreaming, cosmic light, very sharp focus, Hyper detailed, Hyper realistic, spiritual, surreal, atmospheric, High resolution, High contrast, dark angle, 8k, HDR, <lora:marionevado_v1:1.1> marionevado_v1, <lora:michaelcheval_v1:0.25> michaelcheval_v1

    Negative prompt: NSFW, logo, signature, text, watermark,

    Steps: 40, Seed: 2876919608, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 7

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital artwork by marionevado_v1, ultra-wide view, mountains dissolving into dark mist, dark mist merging with the galaxy, ethereal, unreal, waterfall, insanity, darkness all around, intense, multiverse <lora:marionevado_v1:1.2> <lora:MinimalLandscape:0.5> minlan1

    Negative prompt:  (low quality, worst quality:1.4), text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, signature, watermark, username, blurry

    Steps: 40, Seed: 3004829713, Sampler: DPM2 Karras, CFG scale: 6

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital artwork by marionevado_v1, ultra-wide view, mountains dissolving into dark mist, dark mist merging with the galaxy, ethereal, unreal, waterfall, insanity, darkness all around, intense, multiverse <lora:marionevado_v1:1.2> <lora:MinimalLandscape:0.5> minlan1

    Negative prompt:  (low quality, worst quality:1.4), text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, signature, watermark, username, blurry

    Steps: 40, Seed: 2009452247, Sampler: Heun, CFG scale: 6

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital artwork by marionevado_v1, ultra-wide view, mountains dissolving into dark mist, dark mist merging with the galaxy, ethereal, unreal, waterfall, insanity, darkness all around, intense, multiverse <lora:marionevado_v1:1.2> <lora:MinimalLandscape:0.5> minlan1

    Negative prompt:  (low quality, worst quality:1.4), text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, signature, watermark, username, blurry

    Steps: 40, Seed: 2899672886, Sampler: LMS, CFG scale: 6

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    digital artwork by marionevado_v1, ultra-wide view, mountains dissolving into dark mist, dark mist merging with the galaxy, ethereal, unreal, waterfall, insanity, darkness all around, intense, multiverse <lora:marionevado_v1:1.2> <lora:MinimalLandscape:0.5> minlan1

    Negative prompt:  (low quality, worst quality:1.4), text, error, extra digit, fewer digits, signature, watermark, username, blurry

    Steps: 40, Seed: 3407757446, CFG scale: 6

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    (highly detailed:1.3), (ultra wide view:1.3), universe expanding, nebula, unlimited, Ultra-detail, (highres:1.1), best quality, (masterpiece:1.3), cinematic lighting, <lora:marionevado_v1:0.7> marionevado_v1 <lora:pollock-01:0.4> p0ll0ck <lora:charliebowater_v1:0.6> charliebowater_v1

    Negative prompt: NSFW, logo, text, signature, watermark, people

    Steps: 40, Size: 1024×768, Seed: 4089799015, Model: animerge_v22Yoru, Version: v1.6.0, Sampler: LMS, CFG scale: 6, Model hash: 43f2010f45, pollock-01: bea661d873b6, pollock-01″: “721d4c72cc”, “marionevado_v1: fb49cd9766cd, marionevado_v1”: “81b140b35c”, charliebowater_v1: 17a2d65f5b22″, charliebowater_v1″: “39ccc38cae”}

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    masterpiece, closeup side view of a young man and a young woman facing and spiraling into each other and imploding as they become life, detailed face, four color pallet, dynamic lighting, surrealistic, abstract, psychedelic art,  monochromatic, <lora:marionevado_v1:0.6> marionevado_v1 <lora:pollock:0.5> p0ll0ck <lora:charliebowater_v1:0.6> charliebowater_v1 <lora:more_details:0.8>

    Negative prompt: bad painting, bad hands, (nsfw:1.3), blurry, text, logo, watermark, worst quality, bad quality

    Steps: 40, Size: 768×1024, Seed: 945692171, Model: reliberate_v20, “model”: “6b08e2c182″}, Version: v1.6.0, pollock: bea661d873b6, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 6.5, pollock”: “721d4c72cc”, Model hash: 6b08e2c182, more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef”, more_details”: “d9cf2f88de”, “marionevado_v1: fb49cd9766cd, marionevado_v1”: “81b140b35c”, charliebowater_v1: 17a2d65f5b22, charliebowater_v1″: “39ccc38cae”

    马里奥·内瓦多艺术风格 [LoRA]

    side view of one beautiful young woman made of light particles, galaxy brain, (laser eyes:1.2), digital art, bright and vivid, 4k, 8k, hdr, highly detailed, detailed

    <lora:marionevado_v1:0.9> style of marionevado_v1 <lora:more_details:0.6>  <lora:Vitaly S. Alexius – [ArtStyle] – Version 1:0.6>

    Negative prompt: (multiple people:1.2), bad painting, bad hands, (nude:1.3), (naked:1.3), (nsfw:1.3), blurry, text, logo, (watermark:1.2), worst quality, bad quality, (signature:1.2), mutated, deformed

    Steps: 40, Size: 1024×768, Seed: 2574823304, Model: reliberate_v20, “model”: “6b08e2c182″}, Version: v1.6.0, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 7, Model hash: 6b08e2c182, more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef, more_details”: “d9cf2f88de”, “marionevado_v1: fb49cd9766cd, marionevado_v1”: “81b140b35c”, Vitaly S. Alexius – [ArtStyle] – Version 1: 8547e86d5631″

  • LORA

  • Xafloc

  • 2023 年 11 月 3 日

  • Ahsveden

  • SD 1.5

  • marionevado_v1

  • 108.14MB

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